Things You Should Know About Concrete

Concrete has become a popular material for homes over the last decade and it’s use continues to rise, from kitchens, bathrooms and furniture designs. We are seeing concrete in homes more than ever. Concrete allows complete customisation of shape and appearance, for this reason, it’s no surprise that concrete has been used in architectural designs for centuries.

The making of concrete creates a well-crafted and aesthetically pleasing product for those who appreciate and understand the true beauty of this raw material.

Before making the decision to add concrete into your home here are some things you should know to help understand if concrete is the right choice for you:-

·       Versatility that can match just about any interior design style.

Modern, farmhouse, Contemporary, Hamptons, Art Deco and Industrial, concrete can be made to suit any interior aesthetic as it has unmatched versatility when it comes to shape, colour and size.

Concrete contains very subtle variations. When we make concrete, it is with intent. All of our materials are determined right at the beginning. We then measure out, form up using white board or rubber moulds and then cast the concrete. Being able to choose your shape and colour means that we can offer endless possibilities to suit your personal style and taste.

·       Why we use Glass Fibre Reinforced Concrete (GFRC)

We get asked a lot about our concrete mix as most think that it’s the same concrete that is used on sidewalks or the foundation for your house slab. Did you know that there is an endless spectrum of cement mixtures? Some of which are more appropriate when being inside the home. The most common cement mix when making products for the home, is known as GFRC.

GFRC stands for glass-fibre-reinforced concrete. The glass fibres provide much higher strength and flexibility than standard structural concrete. GFRC is so strong that we can cast pieces that are larger, thinner, or otherwise not achievable when using standard concrete and other solid surfaces. 


·       GFRC is lighter than you think.

Lighter concrete enables us to create very large and thin pieces (as thin as 20mm), enormous tables, kitchen islands and countertops.

GFRC is lighter than traditional concrete because it is stronger, it can be cast much thinner while retaining the same integrity. Less material means less weight. The glass fibres are significantly lighter than the same volume of aggregate in ‘normal’ concrete.

·       How handmade materials contribute to the feel of your home.

If you choose concrete for your home then you are getting a one-of-a-kind, handmade piece. Every part of the finished product has been completed with human hands.

Casting concrete is extremely hands-on and labour intensive. Every one of our projects makes its way through each stage of the manufacturing process where it is met with the same high level of care from us using the necessary tools and our concreting experience.

While this takes a lot of time, it means that each piece is monitored by multiple people on a continuing basis - from the moment it is cast to the point where it leaves our shed.

·       How sealing concrete makes all the difference.

All concrete furnishings - particularly vanity tops, basins, tables and benchtops. They should all be properly sealed using a high-grade sealer. We use a food grade, matte finish sealer, it has three coats of sealer prior to install. Our sealer coats are applied over hours to allow each coat to thoroughly penetrate. A concrete sealer protects the concrete from liquid, oils, corrosion, and damage. The sealer forms an impermeable layer which protects your concrete. When looked after the sealer will protect your concrete for many years.

Its important to understand that not all sealers are created equal. Bare concrete - even GFRC - is inherently porous and therefore must be sealed to protect it over time.

No sealer or sealing method is bulletproof and should not be expected to last a lifetime. There may be a point where the concrete seal will need to be reapplied or touched up to maintain a durable and beautiful finish.


·       The beauty of seamless integration

Because concrete is cast from a creamy liquid to solid, it provides us with an opportunity to create things that are one of a kind and contain features that will reflect your lifestyle.

Concrete countertops and sink basins cast as one piece are referred to as integrated vanities. This process creates a seamless and easy-to-maintain finished product.

In addition to being stronger than other options, integrated sinks will be without gaps that can trap water and other debris - making them easier to clean and thus more hygienic. It also means no silicon around the basin.

Another seamless finish are tables and kitchen island tops with “waterfall legs” that can all be cast as one solid piece.


·       No two concrete products are ever the same.

All of our concrete products are handmade using a complex mix of materials in specific quantities. Even when we make two identical basins made on the same day by the same artisan with the same ingredients and formulation will have slightly different surface and edge characteristics. This is due to a variety of factors and one of the things we love most about concrete.

The unique patina of each piece is largely due to the curing process through which the liquid product becomes a high-strength solid product.

In any finished concrete piece, surface variations are as much a key aesthetic feature as they give you a snippet of all that went into creating it. 


·       The importance of planning

Since most of our concrete products are made-to-order, it is important to always plan in advance to allow for manufacturing time, preparation, and freight.

In terms of timing, be mindful that handmade furnishings might take several weeks before they arrive for install. If your project is custom - either commercial or for your home, it might require more time due to more detail.

When it comes to large or custom pieces, we need to consider the install. Thinking about ease of access (concrete is heavy), knowing where you want the concrete to go prior to install and making sure we have enough hands to help lift the concrete in.

Some concrete projects might require that reinforcements be mounted to studs, walls, floors, and other surfaces prior to installation. If you are planning concrete for your build or renovation, then planning early is key. This allows plenty of time to install extra reinforcement in the wall prior to plastering.

Be sure to chat to us to ascertain whether there are any preparatory steps or sequences to take in order to guarantee a successful installation.

As you can see, concrete can go far beyond what you might have imagined and is quickly becoming a popular choice for both inside and out of the home.


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